What are some recommended Christmas flowers for Des Moines_
09th September,2024

Recommended Christmas Flowers for Des Moines

Christmas is a time of celebration and joy, and what better way to enhance the festive atmosphere than with beautiful flowers? Des Moines, with its unique climate and seasonal changes, offers a variety of flowers that are perfect for the Christmas season. In this article, we will explore some of the most recommended Christmas flowers for Des Moines, considering factors such as availability, symbolism, and decorative potential.

1. Poinsettias

Poinsettias are perhaps the most iconic Christmas flower, known for their vibrant red and green colors. These flowers are native to Mexico but have become a staple in Christmas decorations worldwide. In Des Moines, poinsettias are readily available at local nurseries and florists. They are not only beautiful but also symbolize the Christmas spirit with their star-shaped leaves, which are said to represent the Star of Bethlehem. Poinsettias require indirect sunlight and regular watering, making them relatively easy to care for during the holiday season.

What are some recommended Christmas flowers for Des Moines_

2. Christmas Cactus

The Christmas Cactus, scientifically known as Schlumbergera, is another popular choice for holiday decor. Unlike traditional cacti, this species features flat, segmented leaves and vibrant flowers that bloom around Christmas time. The Christmas Cactus comes in various colors, including pink, red, and white, making it a versatile addition to any home. In Des Moines, these plants can be found at local garden centers and are known for their ease of care, requiring bright, indirect light and well-draining soil.

3. Holly

Holly is a classic Christmas symbol, featuring glossy green leaves and bright red berries. This plant has been associated with Christmas for centuries, often used in wreaths and garlands. In Des Moines, holly can be grown in gardens or purchased as cuttings from florists. It is important to note that while holly is beautiful, the berries are toxic if ingested, so it should be placed out of reach of children and pets. Holly thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, making it a suitable choice for outdoor decorations as well.

4. Mistletoe

Mistletoe is another traditional Christmas plant, known for its white berries and evergreen leaves. This parasitic plant is often hung in doorways during the holiday season, symbolizing love and friendship. In Des Moines, mistletoe can be found at local florists or collected from trees in rural areas. It is important to handle mistletoe with care, as the berries are also toxic. Mistletoe prefers indirect sunlight and moist soil, making it a delicate but meaningful addition to Christmas decor.

5. Amaryllis

Amaryllis is a stunning flower that blooms during the winter months, making it a perfect choice for Christmas decorations. This plant features large, trumpet-shaped flowers in colors ranging from red and pink to white and orange. In Des Moines, amaryllis bulbs can be purchased at garden centers and are relatively easy to grow indoors. They require bright, indirect light and regular watering, with the added benefit of blooming for several weeks, providing long-lasting beauty.

6. Paperwhites

Paperwhites, also known as Narcissus papyraceus, are a type of daffodil that blooms in the winter. These flowers are known for their delicate, white petals and fragrant aroma, making them a popular choice for holiday decor. In Des Moines, paperwhite bulbs can be found at local florists and garden centers. They are easy to grow indoors, requiring only a shallow dish of water and a sunny windowsill. Paperwhites bloom quickly, often within a few weeks, providing a burst of winter cheer.


Q: How do I care for poinsettias during the Christmas season?

A: Poinsettias prefer indirect sunlight and should be watered when the soil is dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot. Keep them in a cool room, ideally between 60-70°F (15-21°C), to prolong their blooming period.

Q: Are Christmas Cacti easy to care for?

A: Yes, Christmas Cacti are relatively easy to care for. They require bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. Water them thoroughly, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. Avoid placing them in direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves.

Q: Can holly be grown in Des Moines gardens?

A: Yes, holly can be grown in Des Moines gardens. It prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Ensure to plant both male and female plants if you want the berries to develop, as only female plants produce berries and require a male pollinator.

Q: Is mistletoe safe to use in holiday decorations?

A: Mistletoe should be handled with care, as the berries are toxic if ingested. Place it out of reach of children and pets. It prefers indirect sunlight and moist soil, making it a delicate but meaningful addition to Christmas decor.

Q: How long do amaryllis flowers last?

A: Amaryllis flowers can last for several weeks, providing long-lasting beauty. They require bright, indirect light and regular watering. With proper care, you can enjoy their stunning blooms throughout the holiday season.

Q: How quickly do paperwhites bloom?

A: Paperwhites typically bloom within a few weeks of planting the bulbs. They require a shallow dish of water and a sunny windowsill. Their fragrant aroma and delicate white petals make them a delightful addition to holiday decor.

In conclusion, Des Moines offers a variety of beautiful and meaningful flowers for the Christmas season. Whether you prefer the traditional poinsettias and holly or the more exotic amaryllis and paperwhites, there is a perfect flower to enhance your holiday decorations. With proper care and attention, these flowers can bring joy and beauty to your home throughout the festive season.